The Rising of the Moon by Lady Gregory – An analysis:-
Rising of the moon”, one act play by Lady Gregory was composed in about 1904.
It was included in her book “Seven Short Play” (1909). It was first produced at
the Abbey theatre on March, 1907.
Rising of the Moon” obviously indicates the background of the play. It is a
moonlit night. An Irish rebel leader has escaped from a British prison. He
comes to the sea side way and finally manages to escape with the help of the
Rising of the Moon” has a great symbolic meaning. The play is about the Irish
freedom movement. The Rising of the moon signifies the rising of the moon of
Irish freedom. The dramatist hopes for the freedom of her countrymen from the
tyranny of the British rule. The poor Irish people will regain their liberty.
The Britishers will have a mighty down fall. “When the small rise up and big
falls down”…..then we all change places at the “The Rising of the Moon”.